Schedule a Float
Once you have watched the video above (make sure the sound is on and the volume is up on your device) and completed the "Online Float Waiver" you may schedule an appointment through the "BOOK NOW" button below. We must have a completed waiver on file before we can approve your appointment. If the waiver is not completed, we will cancel your booking request.
Schedule a Vibroacoustic
Reiki Session
Please make sure you have visited our "Vibroacoustic Reiki" page and review our "Who Should not try Vibroacoustic healing" section. Once you have completed our "Online Reiki Waiver" you may schedule an appointment through the "BOOK NOW" button below. We must have a completed waiver on file before we can approve your appointment. If the waiver is not completed, we will not approve your booking request.
The Mended Willow
133 Dormont Avenue
Seneca, PA 16346