Maybe you have heard of reiki but you dont quite know what it is. Maybe youre considering reiki but are not sure whether it is right for you. Or maybe your doctor has suggested reiki as a form of therapy complimentary to your existing medical treatments.
Reiki is an energy healing technique that promotes relaxation, reduces stress and anxiety through the transfer of universal energy from the practitioner's palms to the client. This helps improve the flow and balance of your energy to support healing. Reiki is used all over the world, including in hospitals and hospices, to complement other forms of health treatments.
Here at The Mended Willow we are excited to provide an elevated form of Reiki known as Vibroacoustic Reiki. Our specially designed sound table allows gentle low frequency sound waves to pulsate though your body during your Reiki session. These vibrations are designed to help you relax and heal. Vibroacoustic Therapy or VAT has been studied by researchers worldwide including the National Institue of Health(NIH). The NIH has reported on the benefits of using Vibroacoustic Therapy for Parkinson's, PTSD, anxiety, physical injuries, brain function, COPD, Asthma and much more.

Crown Chakra
Location: Top of Head

Regulates: Conection to the universe, wisdom, spirituality
Third Eye Chakra
Location: Forehead Between Eyes

Regulates: Conection to the universe, wisdom, spirituality

Throat Chakra
Location: Base of Throat

Regulates: Conection to the universe, wisdom, spirituality
Heart Chakra
Location: Center of Chest

Regulates: Conection to the universe, wisdom, spirituality

Solar Plexus Chakra
Location: Upper Abdomen

Regulates: Conection to the universe, wisdom, spirituality
Sacral Chakra
Location: Just Below Naval

Regulates: Conection to the universe, wisdom, spirituality

Root Chakra
Location: Base of Spine

Regulates: Conection to the universe, wisdom, spirituality